Gardening Tips
Deer are majestic animals, beautiful to watch in the wild. There gentle walk and harmless motives make them appear friendly. However true this may be, when it comes to your garden they’re...
Deer are majestic animals, beautiful to watch in the wild. There gentle walk and harmless motives make them appear friendly. However true this may be, when it comes to your garden they’re...
Deer are destructive pests which can completely destroy a garden whenever they come visiting. This is true regardless of their number or gender as all it takes is just one deer to...
Deer are not dear when it comes to the gardens they destroy with their insatiable appetites and antler rubbing. Their pesky behavior has many a homeowner exclaiming “Doh! A deer!” whenever one...
Reproduction: Deer breed mostly between late autumn and early winter. The females have a pregnancy period of about 7 months, and can only give birth to one fawn at a time. Female...
Although deer are well-known for being willing to eat any sort of plant available, gardeners can strategically plant less appealing shrubs and flowers in the hope that deer will find more abundant...